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External opportunities

Category of Opportunity:

2nd Australian Sickle Cell Scientific Conference by Australian Sickle Cell Advocacy Inc. is conference which aims to provide relevant information and resources to patients/caretakers, increase awareness and highlight strategic importance for treatment.

The main theme for this conference is to highlight why Health Equity is essential even for the unborn children when we focus on Newborn Screening for Sickle Cell Disease to be introduced in Australia. The 2nd Australian Sickle Cell Scientific Conference focuses upon increased awareness among all stakeholders about the disease, and data collection for national surveillance database. It also proposes to change the face of sickle cell disease in Australia by having deliberate discussions like this. We have seen the impact this has done in the past four years since our organisation was born.

This is a one day event which invites leading speakers for conference who will highlight strategic importance about dealing with sickle cell disease. As per theme of 2nd Australian Sickle Cell Scientific Conference, health equality is for all where importance of newborn screening in health management is emphasised.

This year we are grateful to be sponsored by NSW Health Minister’s Office Hon Brad Hazzard MP and our all season sponsor Novartis.

Conference Objectives:
To raise awareness with the focus on newborn screening to be introduced in Australia
Raise awareness about sickle cell disease in Australia.
Invite leading speakers who will increase awareness about sickle cell disease and highlight strategic importance for treatment
Invite healthcare consultants working on newborn screening in sickle cell management to highlight the importance for this screening.
Offer a great atmosphere for Sickle Cell Warriors and Caregivers to discuss any issues impacting them.
Put Sickle Cell Disease on the spotlight for all stakeholders to understand the issues impacting the Australian Patient
Give all stakeholders an opportunity to meet in the same room

Opportunity date(s):
  • Thu, Sep 8 2022