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External opportunities

Category of Opportunity:
Funding - Resource

The UK Medical Research Council (MRC) have announced two research grant funding opportunities through
the Applied Global Health Research Board for Applied Global Health Research. The board supports applied
global health research that will be of direct and primary benefit to the health of vulnerable populations. The
MRC seeks research projects that will develop practical solutions to health challenges.

Two grant schemes are available through the Applied Global Health Research Board:
1. Research grants: MRC research grants are suitable for focused research projects that may be short-
or long- term in nature, cost up to £1 Million, and can be awarded for up to five years. They can be
used to support method development or development and continuation of research facilities and
may involve more than one research group or institution.…

2. Partnership grants: The partnership grant scheme is designed to support novel partnerships
between diverse groupings of researchers. Funding will be provided to establish new, high-value
collaborative activities or capabilities that should add value to high-quality scientific programmes
that are already supported by grants from the MRC and other funders. It is not designed to fund
standalone, hypothesis- driven research projects, which may otherwise be eligible for MRC research
or programme grant type funding.…

Award details:
The funder will accept proposals of all sizes, including large applications over £1 million and small to medium-
scale applications. There is no limit to the amount of funding you can apply for, however, the resources you
request should be commensurate with the objectives of your proposal. Value for money is an important review
consideration. Additional budgetary considerations and stipulations are provided in the supplementary
guidance instructions. This document provides details of the assessment criteria and how this funding
opportunity differs from other MRC schemes.

Eligible Individuals:
The call is open to and particularly encourages researchers to apply from LMICs as well as principal
investigators who are based in the UK and working in equal partnership with LMIC investigators. For more
details on institutional and individual eligibility, please see the MRC guidance for applicants.

Opportunity date(s):
  • Fri, Jun 24 2022
Deadline time
24 June 2022