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External opportunities

Category of Opportunity:
Funding - Resource

The Wellcome Discovery Awards scheme is soliciting applications from established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.

Research proposals may be in any discipline ‐ including science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), experimental medicine, humanities and social science, clinical/allied health sciences, and public health ‐ as long as it has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing, and aligns with the Wellcome Trust’s funding remit. An award can be held by an established researcher, or a team of researchers led by an established researcher.


• This call is open to established researchers or the lead applicant of a research team who have o International standing as a research leader in their field o Experience of leading innovative and creative research o A track record of managing and training others 
• The project should aim to make a major contribution to the research field by o Generating significant shifts in understanding; and/or o Developing methodologies, conceptual frameworks, tools or techniques that could benefit health‐ related research

• Successful applicants will be expected to actively promote a diverse, inclusive and supportive research environment within their team and across their organisation  
Award details: 
• Grants are available for up to eight years and applicants may request the resources required for their research programme.  
• More information regarding allowable and non-allowable costs can be found on the funding announcement page

Deadlines & submission process: 

IMPORTANT: Please note that the proposal approval request form will need to be submitted via UCT’s electronic Research Administration system (eRA) prior to final submission of the application on the funder portal (Wellcome Funding)

  December Round
PI to initiate an eRA proposal approval request and alert their Senior Finance Officer of the budgetary support needed no later than 22 October 2024
PI to submit an eRA proposal approval request with a draft budget to the Budget Reviewer step on eRA no later than  29 October 2024
PI to submit an eRA proposal approval request to the Finance Approver step on eRA no later than 19 November 2024
PI to submit the application on the funder portal (Wellcome funding) no later than 26 November 2024
RC&I to action final submission on funder portal no later than   03 December 2024

*Campus hub: contact; Red Cross/Old Main Building: contact and copy 

Please complete this intention-to-submit form if you intend applying for this call.  Please note that completion of this form is for the purposes of internal support and tracking, it is not linked to funder application processes and does not commit you to applying to this opportunity. 

For any queries, please contact the Research Development Team   

Opportunity date(s):
  • Fri, Nov 22 2024
  • Fri, Nov 29 2024
  • Tue, Nov 19 2024
  • Tue, Nov 26 2024
  • Tue, Dec 3 2024
Closing date/Application Deadline
Tue, Dec 3 2024