Complex Trait Analysis of Next Generation Sequence Data Course

Complex Trait Analysis of Next Generation Sequence Data Course

Category of Opportunity: 

The sixth annual Berlin Complex Trait Analysis of Next Generation Sequence Data Course will be held at the MDC in Berlin from November 22-26, 2021. The goal of the course is to teach both the theory and application of methods to analyze next-generation sequence (NGS) data for human complex traits. Attendees will learn how to design studies, call variants from NGS data, analysis of population and family-based sequence data, and evaluation of variant functionality. Analyses will include performing complex trait rare variant association analysis for population and family data via linear mixed models. Exercises will be carried out using a variety of computer programs that include ANNOVAR, BOLT-LMM, FAST-GWA, IGV, R, REGENIE, PSEQ, & Variant Association Tools (VAT).

TOPICS will include sequence alignment, calling variants from NGS data, quality control of NGS data, association testing framework for quantitative and qualitative traits (fixed effects, random effects, and generalized linear mixed models and linear mixed models), rare variant association methods, polygenic risk scores, estimating power and sample size for rare variant association studies, imputation of rare variants and their analysis, and evaluating variant conservation and functionality.

Date and time
Application Deadline: 
Wednesday, September 15, 2021 - 00:00